Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lori Wyman Workshop Update

If you missed the Lori Wyman workshop in New Orleans it was well worth going to and you should try not to miss it if she's ever in town again.

I'll cover some of her main bullet points in upcoming practice sessions but there is no substitute for hearing it straight from her... and certainly nothing like getting the chance to read for her and get feedback on your read. I even bought Lori's book, The Organic Actor (Stay tuned for the book review).

I've had several people ask me about workshops in this area that are put on by Casting Directors. Numerous times I've been asked things like, "Don't they always say the same basic stuff in all of them?"
It seems like often times actors who already auditioning somewhat regularly think that they know how to audition and have no need for these. I couldn't disagree more.

While many CD workshops offer some similar material to others', I have found that if the workshop is done by an actual professional CD - there is always something to take home that's worth the price. Think about it like this, maybe you have all the basics down but I still think hearing a particular CDs pet peeves it's worth the price alone. In addition many Casting Directors, Wyman in particular, take the time to give you some personal insight that can inspire actors to keep doing what we are doing, no matter what the ... which is at times priceless.

Lorraine LeBlanc, Mattie Liptak and myself were there to rep the Louisiana Ward Agency and our lovely agent Sharon Ward was on hand as well.

*Ryan Glorioso will be doing his workshop in New Orleans next month. If you are interested in attending, let me know.

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