Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lori Wyman Workshop Update

If you missed the Lori Wyman workshop in New Orleans it was well worth going to and you should try not to miss it if she's ever in town again.

I'll cover some of her main bullet points in upcoming practice sessions but there is no substitute for hearing it straight from her... and certainly nothing like getting the chance to read for her and get feedback on your read. I even bought Lori's book, The Organic Actor (Stay tuned for the book review).

I've had several people ask me about workshops in this area that are put on by Casting Directors. Numerous times I've been asked things like, "Don't they always say the same basic stuff in all of them?"
It seems like often times actors who already auditioning somewhat regularly think that they know how to audition and have no need for these. I couldn't disagree more.

While many CD workshops offer some similar material to others', I have found that if the workshop is done by an actual professional CD - there is always something to take home that's worth the price. Think about it like this, maybe you have all the basics down but I still think hearing a particular CDs pet peeves it's worth the price alone. In addition many Casting Directors, Wyman in particular, take the time to give you some personal insight that can inspire actors to keep doing what we are doing, no matter what the ... which is at times priceless.

Lorraine LeBlanc, Mattie Liptak and myself were there to rep the Louisiana Ward Agency and our lovely agent Sharon Ward was on hand as well.

*Ryan Glorioso will be doing his workshop in New Orleans next month. If you are interested in attending, let me know.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Vids

Check out these videos with Casting Director Kim Swanson.

Hard Work Pays Off

Props to Tracey Rea for booking the role of MANDY on the pilot, Single Daddies. She taped her audition in Baton Rouge and was selected by the director for the role that shoots this weekend in Houston, Tx.
Tracey is probably our most consistent participant in our Audition Practice Class in Baton Rouge and is one of the hardest workers out there. Congrats Tracey, you deserve it and we are proud of ya!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lori Wyman Workshop

This Saturday - January 29 in New Orleans.
I am going to try to make this one if the new family member doesn't come early.
Lori Wyman is a top Casting Director in Florida and I've heard nothing but great things about her workshop!

Details can be found HERE.

Email me if you are thinking about attending.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Notes from a busy week

I think I taped auditions for 9 people, plus the 3 auditions I went to, plus our largest auditions class in baton rouge in over a year... All in the last 36 hours. I'm exhausted and that's good because things are picking up again!

Some notes from the week...

- Be sure to get on and register for a free account. This will allow you access to the sides that I will put in my dropbox before classes.

- For uploading videos and sharing with others, I use I have a paid account with them, so I forget what the free account consists of but I know they offer a free one for people who will only use it every now and then.

- Congrats to the little booking machine, Mattie Liptak, again. Mattie was cast as a high school student on episode 205 of the HBO series Treme! He's on fire!!!!

- Casting is going on this week and next week for the following projects:
Seven Below Zero
Justice for Natalee
Hound Dogs
Abe Lincoln:Vampire Hunter

Let's hope this is a sign of how busy 2011 will be.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, January 17, 2011

SAG Foundation Video

Happy MLK Day!

I wanted to let everyone know about a video I watched online this weekend. It was originally a live broadcast of a free event hosted by the SAG Foundation, I caught it a couple of days after its original airing. It is a panel discussion between a couple of Talent Agents, two Casting Directors and Gary Marsh, the representative from Breakdown Express/Actors Access. The original purpose of the discussion was to focus on how actors in regions outside of L.A. can participate in the Los Angeles pilot season. They covered that, but lots more.

in particular, I really think they did a great job of discussing some of the things we have really tried to hammer home here in our practices, workshops, etc...

The discussion is about two hours long and is really worth taking a few sittings and checking it out. Even if you've heard lots of it before, I think hearing just how important these things really are to actors all over the country- not just here - is worth hearing again.

For example...
*It was very interesting to hear a Casting Director from Hollywood mention a film she casted in New Orleans. She mentions how when she is going to have to cast in an outside market, she immediately gets on Breakdown Services and starts looking at Actors Access profiles in that particular market. She stresses the fact that if your info isn't up to date, you can miss your one opportunity where they are actually shopping in your market for talent!
* It was also discussed how one of the actors in True Grit got his role. They were looking for talent in the South, and he was from the south originally but lived in L.A. So he taped himself, submitted the tape and ended up getting the job.

It reinforced one of the things we always talk about - the internet is making the world of film/tv auditioning smaller and smaller.

For actors in Louisiana like ourselves, this can be a very good thing or a very bad thing. On one hand, talent that doesn't even live down here can send in a tape and grab roles right out from under us. On the other hand, we have the opportunity to jump into this tech-fueled wave and ride it just like they do.

I truly believe that there will come a time in the very near future when callbacks will be almost the only remaining part of the audition process that is live. A Casting Director needs to see as many talent as possible to know they are presenting the directors and producers with the right talent for the job . The internet and taped auditions allows them to do this more efficiently. Plane and simple. Yes, auditions in person may never die off since the personal interaction is still a must for so many CDs and Directors. But the number of talent getting a chance to get in for those face to face auditions will certainly stay the same or go down - while the number of CDs who start off by viewing a first round of taped auditions is growing more every day!!!

So check out the video when you can- the link is at the bottom of this blog. It's long (about two hours) but you don't have to watch it all in one sitting. Watch a little and pause it, then come back later for a little more. That's what I did.

Then, after you watch it, sit down and make a list of what you will be doing in 2011 to better arm yourself with the tools to compete in this industry! Whether you are already getting auditions and booking roles or whether you have just taken your first steps into this wild world of auditioning for film and TV... it doesn't matter. ALL of us can do more and learn more in order to achieve more.


If you haven't checked your Actors Access profile in a while....

If you aren't using the internet to actively seek out parts/projects that even your agent doesn't get access to (student films, indy stuff, etc)....

If you aren't trying your best to get footage from past projects and get them edited and posted online....

If you aren't thinking of yourself as a 'package', that agents and CDs can market and sell to producers....

Most importantly, if you haven't learned to put yourself on tape for an audition....

It's 2011, and there's no better time than right now.

Remember: if you won't do it, someone else will.



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Congrats Mattie... Again!

Yes folks, he tore it up in 2010 and now it looks like 2011 will be no different. Casting Director Jackie Burch called today to let Sharon know that Mattie Liptak will play #8 in the upcoming Disney feature film, The Odd Life Of Timothy Green.

The film is directed by Peter Hedges (Dan In Real Life) and will star Jennifer Garner (Juno). Mattie will shoot for several days in both February and March and the film is due out in theaters later this year.

Mattie is from Walker , La and has been an active participant in our regular Audition Practice Class in Baton Rouge since March of 2010 when he first began pursuing acting. Since then he has booked 4 film roles.

Congrats Mattie!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Location Added

I have added Clinton/Jackson to the Audition Practice loop. We will meet this Wednesday evening and then every other week after (with Clinton on Wednesday evenings and Meridian on Thursday evenings).

Assuming the new family member doesn't make an early arrival...

The rest of January's schedule is:
1/12 Clinton
1/13 Meridian
1/20 Baton Rouge
1/26 Clinton
1/27 Meridian

Email me if you are interested in attending.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Joyful Noise

I just returned from Atlanta where I had a callback with Mark Fincannon (CD) and Todd Graff (Director) for the upcoming film Joyful Noise. It went great. In fact, it was the first time I've ever had the privilege of getting cast for a role 'on the spot'!
I'll play Officer Darrell Lino in the movie and although it's a very small role- the scene will allow me to work with Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah. Awesome!!!
Scheduled to shoot on February 14.
More details later.
